Vietnam VNM

Thank you Paul for continues update. On  September 8 , 2018, I will be coducting basic living bio beds training in one of our community in Legaspi City in partnership with Good Shepherd Homes. Most of the members are rural women. These women are so enthusiastic to hear about this technology and are also willing to adopt it. I'll just send updates after the activity. With  regards to proposal submission,  I'm still waiting for the final word from our national office whether to submit or not. Rest assured that I , as C4C trainee, will continue to help in the campaign on living biobeds and will provide you regular updates on this. 

Power to the peasants!



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  1. This is fantastic. Please do keep us updated and post some photographs. You still have plenty of time re any proposal as it is due on October 22nd. Keep up the GREAT work!!



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