Peru PER

Great work Colombia colleagues, you did indeed a very inspiring work with all the farmers in your localities!

We couldn't be happier with your results.

Here a glance to all of our friends of the great digital materials, incluiding a comic and a video of the song "La Rumba de San Francisco"



Informe final Acuerdo RARE_CI.VF.pdf

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Multimedia File Colombia song.mp3 Sep 25, 2020 by Dulce Espelosin
PDF File HISTORIETA DIGITAL.pdf Sep 25, 2020 by Dulce Espelosin
PDF File Informe final Acuerdo RARE_CI.VF.pdf Sep 25, 2020 by Dulce Espelosin
Multimedia File VIDEO-2020-09-02-17-16-02.mp4 Sep 25, 2020 by Dulce Espelosin