Vietnam VNM
We are promoting living bio-beds for pig rearing to reduce waste water runoff and create sustainable rural economies.

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Our partner in Vietnam is

The Center for Creativity and Sustainability Study and Consultancy (CCS).

CCS is a not-for-profit organization specializing in providing services of R&D, consultancy, capacity building and applications of creative, sustainable solutions and development models to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Vietnam. CCS was established in 2013 to continue and sustain the successes and results of the SPIN project, within the framework of the EU SWITCH-Asia program, in the field of sustainable product innovation (2010 - 2014). For more see:

CCS’s official office is located at 6 Lane 255 Cau Giay Street, Ha Noi, Vietnam. The Center’s staff bring with them expertise and years of experience in different fields, from mechanics, energy, agriculture, economy to product design.



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  File Modified
JPEG File Pigs_1.jpg Jul 17, 2018 by Ann-Kathrin Neureuther